Wednesday, December 21, 2011

A Song I Enjoy

Most of the time I feel like I have no purpose at all. So I listen to music and I try to put myself in the songs. I try to make it as though the story of the song is the story of my life. The reason for that is because the story of my life is so boring. I listened to this song called "Strange Clouds" and it sounded so much fun the first time I heard it. Like their everyday life is so fun. Like they have no cares in the world and they just party it up everyday. That's the complete opposite of my life. So when I put myself in those lyrics, I feel like my life is so much better, even though it'd probably be worse. They're basically saying they smoke weed and get drunk all day. Which is not such a great life. But when I imagine it's me I act as though it's all fun and games. But it's not even that. I often feel sad right afterwards even if I feel like it's all good for a minute. The song also says alot about being better than others, being at the top and I love that. I kind of feel more alive. I feel the beat bumping in my system and I sing along like a real G. But in reality...I'm not.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Snow Flakes (My winter Poem)

Winter Time
It's suppose to be the season to cuddle
They had it all figured out
Until their plans got muddled
He watched her from the window
She smiled sitting alone
In a seat so cold
Hearts frozen like ice
Planning out their deaths
Instead of snowball fights
And memorable nights
A smirk instead of a smile
An inch instead of a mile
The snowflakes melt like the love did
But it gets easy with practice
Snuck up, he didn't expect it
What's laying on the ground?
His head is
And as he bleeds on her lawn
She walks back into the house
She finishes her cocoa
Then she sneaks out
Never to return
Winter time, where love crashes
And burns

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Holden (Catcher In The Rye)

Holden is the main character of the book Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger. I can identify with Holden so much. He's such a character that I can imagine him being real. J.D. did a great job of creating him and his personality. This is one of the best books I've ever read and I believe it's because I really like Holden. He's got problems. Real problems. Problems that most teenagers have. He complains. This boy complains about EVERYTHING and I just find that so intriguing. At some points in the story I get sad. It's like he doesn't have any friends. Well not any REAL friends. He barely even has his family. Holden seems to be very depressed. Everything makes him sad. Even things that aren't meant to be sad. He's so alone. Forever alone. Some times I feel that way too. I feel like there's no one who really understands me. Who I am and what I'm here for. But then I realize that I'm just being silly. No one will EVER completely understand you. Thanks Holden. 

Monday, November 28, 2011

My Blood Red Hunting Hat

A hunting hat is suppose to be something that makes you stand out from the crowd. It's something that makes you, you. I have so many things I'd like to say makes me me but I'd have to say my red hunting hat is the way I talk and laugh. I have laughed in a room full of people and without even seeing me friends will shout out "Hey Kionis". People know my laugh. It's so ugly but it's a SERIOUS eyebrow raiser. My randomness also makes me up. I say some of the most random things out there and sometimes people are like (WTH?) but I don't know where it all comes from. I just basically say what ever's on my mind. In my opinion a hunting hat is not always the best thing for you. Sometimes it can have a negative effect on people. Do you really want some one to recognize you for something they dislike about you? That's where my laugh comes in. Haha. It's kinda loud and cackly if you ask me. But it's who I am. Sorry. I won't be changing it. ;)

Thankful for YOU.

  This blog goes out to a REALLY special person. I mean this person is Ebony Williams. Ebony and I became friends really at the beginning of this school year. We've known each other since freshmen year but we were never really friends. I wouldn’t say we argued but we didn’t quite see eye to eye. I guess we didn't know much about each other and from the surface I decided I didn't WANT to be her friend even though I knew nothing much about her. This was stupid of me because when I got to know more about Ebony I discovered that she's a really cool person and she has a very interesting opinion about a lot of things. Her conversation is interesting (most of the and she's great to hang with after school. Ebony is quite funny as well. Her little jokes just have me laughing and laughing. I’m thankful that she speaks her mind in our English class. Without her I’d probably be bored to death. Mr. McCarthy is interesting but sometimes I don’t quite understand what he’s talking about and I always have to lean over and ask Ebony what he means or what’s going on. So thank you Ebony. Thanks for your friendship and your opinionated response. I love it.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Cormac Mccarthy Blog (Is Love All You Need?)

In the novel The Road Cormac Mccarthy shows a lot of love between the father and the son. It's not put in text either of them saying "I love you" but it's evident in all of their actions and most things they do. It wasn't a shock to find out that Mccarthy actually got most of the conversations out of the book (between the father and son) from actual conversations he had with his son. In this story love is basically the only thing keeping them moving. Their love for each other gives them the hope to live on and keep on carrying "the fire". So that leads me to believe that the message Mccarthy is trying to state is that love is all you really need to give you faith in times of need. Without each other I'm pretty sure they'd both have given up a long time ago. They'd have no motivation to move on. No reason to keep going.
            John said, "Papa, what would you do if I died?" I said, "I'd want to die, too," and he said, "So you could be with me?" I said, "Yes, so I could be with you." Mccarthy stated this conversation between his self and his son in an interview. He clearly feels that he'd do ANYTHING to be with his son. Whether it be in life or death. So the real question is, “Was that also the message he was sending in The Road?”  And the answer to that question is yes. The father and the son clearly don't want to live or die without each other. But honestly in a situation like the one in The Road would love keep YOU going? I probably would've given up.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Dear Sir

In the book that I’m reading titled “The Road” the father is faced with many difficult decisions to make on what and what not to tell his son. I believe their relationship is being strained based upon what the boy knows and doesn’t know. He was born into the life he’s living and with that I think he has a maturity that know child his age should have. He hasn’t known your typical childhood. He’s only known the apocalyptic life style that he and his father are living. I think he also knows more than he lets on. He knows how to put the pieces together and figure out that something is terribly wrong.
I believe at one point the son will get tired of the father giving him half truths and avoiding the more gruesome subjects. I think the poor babe will just get tired of living period. He’s already skinny and frail. I mean how much more of living this life can he take? I’m sure the father and love each other very much but sometimes love just isn’t enough. It’s getting harder and harder for them to survive. Hey, what’re the bullets for if not to give up when it gets too hard to push on?

Monday, October 24, 2011

Father and Son

In the book that I’m reading titled “The Road” the father is faced with many difficult decisions to make on what and what not to tell his son. I believe their relationship is being strained based upon what the boy knows and doesn’t know. He was born into the life he’s living and with that I think he has a maturity that know child his age should have. He hasn’t known your typical childhood. He’s only known the apocalyptic life style that he and his father are living. I think he also knows more than he lets on. He knows how to put the pieces together and figure out that something is terribly wrong.
I believe at one point the son will get tired of the father giving him half truths and avoiding the more gruesome subjects. I think the poor babe will just get tired of living period. He’s already skinny and frail. I mean how much more of living this life can he take? I’m sure the father and love each other very much but sometimes love just isn’t enough. It’s getting harder and harder for them to survive. Hey, what’re the bullets for if not to give up when it gets too hard to push on?

Thursday, September 29, 2011


Just kidding, this dude does not eat chicken soup. Or at least I dont think he does. You feel me? So the thing I'm suppose to be trying to figure out is if he's a hero or some stooge. Dude is a STOOGE. He's a fail to the puritan belief. He's also a punk. He won't face the fact that he cheated on his wife with some crazy thug girl. Yes this girl, Abigail, is a thug. She threatened and terrified a whole group of girls without even laying one hand on any of them. This chick was not playing. I personally feel like they could've taken her. She's only one person. I would've given her that young pointy reckoning right then and there, but this is not how their community was. So ANYWAYS, back to John's punk butt, if he had the guts to cheat on lil mama (Goody Proctor) he should've had the guts to face the facts of what he did. He goes around like he's god himself yet he committed adultery. BOO BOO SKEET SKEET YOU AINT ALMIGHTY. : ) I just feel like low key he's messed up in the head. I can't see what he saw in Ms. Abigail's gangsta gangsta self. Smh. But HEY maybe he ate the wrong kind of chicken soup, and it made him lose some of his pebbles.
         Kiki the Krazy

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Sinners In The Eyes of an Angry GOD!!!

So “Sinners in the Eyes of an Angry God” is a famous sermon given by some dude who was trippin’. When we were reading this in class it was hard but I held in my laughter. I mean to be honest the sermon wasn’t even funny, but I’m the type of person who laughs all the time. So , this dude was saying that basically you need to watch every move you make because any move you make could be the move that sends you to hell. THAT’S CRAZY BOA! -_- They are some SERIOUS god fearing people. I mean these people were probably watching the way they did EVERYTHING. I mean the way he was breaking it down made me feel like they had a stroke if they forgot to flush the toilet or something, you know? They thought they’d go to hell for anything.

I do believe in god, don’t take this the wrong way homey, but I just feel like nobody should be in church hearing the word for 7-8 hours straight. You feel me? We got other things to do. Trust me I know the word is important, you get all dressed up just to hear it, but that doesn’t mean you have to be in there all day talking about “hallelujah” and “PRAISE THE LAWD!” -_-  Seriously? Some people are faking anyways. (You know who you are)  So anyways…GOD BLESS YOU and have a nice day, fool. ♥

-Kiki the Krazy

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Arrival's...There Goes The Neighborhood

I suppose I will write about what I experienced when I first moved on the block that I live on now.  (I’m supposed to be writing about a cultural clash I’ve witnessed or been a part of) So when I first moved onto the block I’m living on now I use to get teased by the kids I went to school with and I was looked at as a foreigner on so many levels. I was somewhat of a goody two shoes to them. I spoke too properly. I was too neat, I was too smart. Blah blah blah. I use to feel like I’d never make a friend that I could keep or I would WANT to keep. These kids from my hood aren’t stupid, they just work to their full potential. Most of them thought I acted like a silly “white” girl. Most still think the same of me. I was a thing of mystery to them. There were rumors and such, people were telling me things about myself that I didn’t even know. Lol . But the thing is I grew to love my hood. I believe I grew on them too. It’s like once they got to know me there was a new found respect on both ends. We do things differently but there’s no reason why we shouldn’t be able to live in harmony. They still think I’m a bit goofy, over achieving, and crazy but they love it. It’s what makes me who I am. I LOVE MY HOOD! ; )

Thursday, September 8, 2011


HI! My name is Kionis Watts. I love writing. I actually never thought about blogging so I'm happy that I've found this site because I can just write about anything at any time. I write a lot of poetry, it's my hobby and I think it's something everyone should do simply because any one can do it. The beauty of art is in the eye of the beholder and poetry is art. So no one can go wrong with poetry. I just made it into my sophmore year in high school and I have a lot of goals that I plan to accomplish. I need to maintain good grades no matter what is going on and I need to try my best to turn in at least ninety-five percent of my homework. What happens to the other five percent no one knows. Things happen, haha.  Anyways I hope that my blogs aren’t boring and even if they are, so what? It’s what’s  coming out of my mind and it’s the truth so if you don’t like it, no one is forcing you to read it. Hopefully you feel the same way about yoor own blog. Thanks for reading. Bye bye now. ; )