Monday, October 24, 2011

Father and Son

In the book that I’m reading titled “The Road” the father is faced with many difficult decisions to make on what and what not to tell his son. I believe their relationship is being strained based upon what the boy knows and doesn’t know. He was born into the life he’s living and with that I think he has a maturity that know child his age should have. He hasn’t known your typical childhood. He’s only known the apocalyptic life style that he and his father are living. I think he also knows more than he lets on. He knows how to put the pieces together and figure out that something is terribly wrong.
I believe at one point the son will get tired of the father giving him half truths and avoiding the more gruesome subjects. I think the poor babe will just get tired of living period. He’s already skinny and frail. I mean how much more of living this life can he take? I’m sure the father and love each other very much but sometimes love just isn’t enough. It’s getting harder and harder for them to survive. Hey, what’re the bullets for if not to give up when it gets too hard to push on?

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