Wednesday, December 21, 2011

A Song I Enjoy

Most of the time I feel like I have no purpose at all. So I listen to music and I try to put myself in the songs. I try to make it as though the story of the song is the story of my life. The reason for that is because the story of my life is so boring. I listened to this song called "Strange Clouds" and it sounded so much fun the first time I heard it. Like their everyday life is so fun. Like they have no cares in the world and they just party it up everyday. That's the complete opposite of my life. So when I put myself in those lyrics, I feel like my life is so much better, even though it'd probably be worse. They're basically saying they smoke weed and get drunk all day. Which is not such a great life. But when I imagine it's me I act as though it's all fun and games. But it's not even that. I often feel sad right afterwards even if I feel like it's all good for a minute. The song also says alot about being better than others, being at the top and I love that. I kind of feel more alive. I feel the beat bumping in my system and I sing along like a real G. But in reality...I'm not.

1 comment:

  1. Music is an escape for many. People's reality may indeed may be different, but they find the world illustrated in the lyrics entertaining. It may be no different than the enjoyment people find in books, movies, etc. With music just remember to expose yourself to various subject matters as you would with books and movies. See Jessica's blog for more.
