Thursday, September 22, 2011

Sinners In The Eyes of an Angry GOD!!!

So “Sinners in the Eyes of an Angry God” is a famous sermon given by some dude who was trippin’. When we were reading this in class it was hard but I held in my laughter. I mean to be honest the sermon wasn’t even funny, but I’m the type of person who laughs all the time. So , this dude was saying that basically you need to watch every move you make because any move you make could be the move that sends you to hell. THAT’S CRAZY BOA! -_- They are some SERIOUS god fearing people. I mean these people were probably watching the way they did EVERYTHING. I mean the way he was breaking it down made me feel like they had a stroke if they forgot to flush the toilet or something, you know? They thought they’d go to hell for anything.

I do believe in god, don’t take this the wrong way homey, but I just feel like nobody should be in church hearing the word for 7-8 hours straight. You feel me? We got other things to do. Trust me I know the word is important, you get all dressed up just to hear it, but that doesn’t mean you have to be in there all day talking about “hallelujah” and “PRAISE THE LAWD!” -_-  Seriously? Some people are faking anyways. (You know who you are)  So anyways…GOD BLESS YOU and have a nice day, fool. ♥

-Kiki the Krazy


  1. I totally agree with you! I'm at church on sundays for at least 8 hours, not straight though. I do agree with you about the Hallelujuah thing but some people are truly worshiping. Although some people do feel they need the 7-8 of worship. Some people find that church is more important than what they have to do.

  2. LOL! i understand what you are saying, but each person is different so it is easier for religious rules to be set so taht EVERYONE can comply. Also the sermon was a bit drastaic, but then again it was written hundreds of years ago and noone shouldn't go to church watching other people you sh ould go to church for yourself and your salvation.

  3. McCarthy-

    I guess the question to ask is: whether or not god should be feared by one of faith?
