Thursday, September 29, 2011


Just kidding, this dude does not eat chicken soup. Or at least I dont think he does. You feel me? So the thing I'm suppose to be trying to figure out is if he's a hero or some stooge. Dude is a STOOGE. He's a fail to the puritan belief. He's also a punk. He won't face the fact that he cheated on his wife with some crazy thug girl. Yes this girl, Abigail, is a thug. She threatened and terrified a whole group of girls without even laying one hand on any of them. This chick was not playing. I personally feel like they could've taken her. She's only one person. I would've given her that young pointy reckoning right then and there, but this is not how their community was. So ANYWAYS, back to John's punk butt, if he had the guts to cheat on lil mama (Goody Proctor) he should've had the guts to face the facts of what he did. He goes around like he's god himself yet he committed adultery. BOO BOO SKEET SKEET YOU AINT ALMIGHTY. : ) I just feel like low key he's messed up in the head. I can't see what he saw in Ms. Abigail's gangsta gangsta self. Smh. But HEY maybe he ate the wrong kind of chicken soup, and it made him lose some of his pebbles.
         Kiki the Krazy

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Sinners In The Eyes of an Angry GOD!!!

So “Sinners in the Eyes of an Angry God” is a famous sermon given by some dude who was trippin’. When we were reading this in class it was hard but I held in my laughter. I mean to be honest the sermon wasn’t even funny, but I’m the type of person who laughs all the time. So , this dude was saying that basically you need to watch every move you make because any move you make could be the move that sends you to hell. THAT’S CRAZY BOA! -_- They are some SERIOUS god fearing people. I mean these people were probably watching the way they did EVERYTHING. I mean the way he was breaking it down made me feel like they had a stroke if they forgot to flush the toilet or something, you know? They thought they’d go to hell for anything.

I do believe in god, don’t take this the wrong way homey, but I just feel like nobody should be in church hearing the word for 7-8 hours straight. You feel me? We got other things to do. Trust me I know the word is important, you get all dressed up just to hear it, but that doesn’t mean you have to be in there all day talking about “hallelujah” and “PRAISE THE LAWD!” -_-  Seriously? Some people are faking anyways. (You know who you are)  So anyways…GOD BLESS YOU and have a nice day, fool. ♥

-Kiki the Krazy

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Arrival's...There Goes The Neighborhood

I suppose I will write about what I experienced when I first moved on the block that I live on now.  (I’m supposed to be writing about a cultural clash I’ve witnessed or been a part of) So when I first moved onto the block I’m living on now I use to get teased by the kids I went to school with and I was looked at as a foreigner on so many levels. I was somewhat of a goody two shoes to them. I spoke too properly. I was too neat, I was too smart. Blah blah blah. I use to feel like I’d never make a friend that I could keep or I would WANT to keep. These kids from my hood aren’t stupid, they just work to their full potential. Most of them thought I acted like a silly “white” girl. Most still think the same of me. I was a thing of mystery to them. There were rumors and such, people were telling me things about myself that I didn’t even know. Lol . But the thing is I grew to love my hood. I believe I grew on them too. It’s like once they got to know me there was a new found respect on both ends. We do things differently but there’s no reason why we shouldn’t be able to live in harmony. They still think I’m a bit goofy, over achieving, and crazy but they love it. It’s what makes me who I am. I LOVE MY HOOD! ; )

Thursday, September 8, 2011


HI! My name is Kionis Watts. I love writing. I actually never thought about blogging so I'm happy that I've found this site because I can just write about anything at any time. I write a lot of poetry, it's my hobby and I think it's something everyone should do simply because any one can do it. The beauty of art is in the eye of the beholder and poetry is art. So no one can go wrong with poetry. I just made it into my sophmore year in high school and I have a lot of goals that I plan to accomplish. I need to maintain good grades no matter what is going on and I need to try my best to turn in at least ninety-five percent of my homework. What happens to the other five percent no one knows. Things happen, haha.  Anyways I hope that my blogs aren’t boring and even if they are, so what? It’s what’s  coming out of my mind and it’s the truth so if you don’t like it, no one is forcing you to read it. Hopefully you feel the same way about yoor own blog. Thanks for reading. Bye bye now. ; )