Thursday, March 1, 2012

Death's Lesson (Memoir)

The memoir that I read was pretty good for some one the age of 14. It was titled "Death's Lesson" by Mitchell W. I liked the way he described the story to me. He was very descriptive and he made me want to keep reading. The memoir was kind of sad but I believe it's something we can all relate to. It's about how great of a person his grandpa was and how his grandpa was strong and a fighter.Sometimes the story  skipped from one scene to another without smooth transition but Mitchell got his point across. He never really tells me what "Death's Lesson" really is though so I'm guessing he wants me to interpret that on my own and I've yet to figure that out. It's not the proper way to write a memoir I guess but I feel like his story is kind of scattered. I actually like that but it did kind of leave me confused at a few points but it's random and I LOVE that. 

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